In placing the animal in the club the owner accepts the following conditions
1) The owner must ensure that the animal placed in care is not dangerous and is free from any contagious diseases.
2) When dropping the animal off, their vaccination card and domestic animal ID must be provided. The animal must have been vaccinated against the following diseases more than 15 days ago but less than a year ago: Distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, kennel cough and rabies Recommended treatments Anthelmintic, pulicidae
3) The owner is obliged to inform, in writing, any dangers of their animal, in particular with regard to their character and the physiology of the animal: Being in heat, aggressiveness, bolting, barking etc., as well as any medical treatment or diet the animal may need to follow. If applicable, the medication or special food must be provided. Should not enough medication be provided, then any costs incurred through renewing the medication will be added to the accommodation bill.
4) If the club is unable to provide the animal with sufficient care able, then every ill or wounded animal will be treated by a veterinarian. The veterinarian costs are payable by the owner. Every advance payment made by the club is to be refunded.
5) Accommodation costs are payable when the animal is collected. Costs begin the day the animal arrives and end on the day that the animal is collected, including those days, irrelevant of the time of handover. If the owner is unable to collect their animal on the agreed date, they must inform the club as soon as possible. Care will be continued; care costs will be charged until the day on which the animal is collected. Should the owner be unable to collect their animal on the agreed date, then 8 days after the issue of the first warning letter, the club is entitled to assume that the animal has been abandoned and can take it to an animal shelter. The owner will be invoiced for the amount owed.
6) The club reserves the right to refuse to accommodate an animal, in particular dogs of the 1st and 2nd categories.
7) The club guarantees the well-being of the animals placed in their care, and adheres to the hygiene regulations of the French decree of October 25, 1982, which regulates the hygiene conditions and the care of domestic animals. Provided that the rooms are disinfected daily, the club is not liable for diseases or epidemics that can occur during the stay of the animal. This also applies to the possible death of the animal during their stay. In the event of death of an animal in care, the animal will be handed over to a veterinarian who will refrigerate the animal, payable by the owner, until it has been decided what is to be done with the animal's body. Refrigeration will adhere to the relevant hygiene regulations.
8) The club is only liable if it can be proven without a doubt and correctly that they are at fault. The club is only bound by an obligation of means. In this respect, the animal is viewed as having been collected by the owner in good condition at the end of the stay in the club. Any claim arising must be made immediately upon collection of the animal otherwise any claim for damages or liability is inadmissible.
Bernwiller, dated November 16, 2009